Net Zero Carbon Events

De International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) juicht het initiatief van de Joint Meetings Council (JMIC) toe om met Net Zero Carbon Events de evenementenindustrie wereldwijd te verbinden naar netto nul co2 in 2050.

In november 2021 ontmoeten wereldleiders elkaar in Glasgow, Schotland, op COP26. Hier geven zij aan hoe hun landen de 50% reductie van broeikasgasemissies tegen 2030 zullen bereiken om de Overeenkomst van Parijs na te komen. Voorafgaand aan deze bijeenkomst stippelen profit- en non-profitorganisaties uit alle sectoren hun eigen wegen uit naar dit doel, en het uiteindelijke doel van netto nul co2 in 2050.

Met dit initiatief wil JMIC alle belanghebbenden in de zakelijke, professionele, academische en bestemmingsgemeenschappen wereldwijd die zich ook hebben gecommitteerd aan de co2-doelstellingen met elkaar verbinden, en diegenen uitnodigen die dat nog niet hebben gedaan zich alsnog aan te sluiten.

The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative aims to bring together a wide range of industry stakeholders to: 

  • Jointly communicate our industry’s commitment to tackling climate change and driving towards net zero by 2050 
  • Develop common methodologies for measuring the industry’s direct, indirect and supply chain greenhouse gas emissions 
  • Construct an industry-wide roadmap towards net zero by 2050, and emissions reductions by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement, with support and guidance on key issues 
  • Foster collaboration with suppliers and customers to ensure alignment and common approaches 
  • Establish common mechanisms for reporting progress and sharing best practice. 

The new initiative arises from the work of an organizing task force initiated by JMIC members ICCA, AIPC and UFI joined by representatives of Emerald Expositions (US), ExCel (UK), Freeman (US), HKCEC (China), Informa (UK), Javits Center (US), MCI (Switzerland), Messe München (Germany), RX (UK) and Scottish Event Campus (UK) and it was born from a discussion with the UNFCCC secretariat — United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat — which is also supporting the initiative. 

All interested parties are invited to join this journey at The aim is to grow this initiative that represents the events industry as a whole and provide a collaborative commitment all can act on. 

James Rees, ICCA President: “ICCA is committed to driving sustainable development within the meetings industry and our global membership. We are proud to be a part of such an initiative which is becoming more important than ever and through collaborative effort with our JMIC partners, we look forward to playing a very active role in developing and implementing sustainable event strategies that are of the highest standards."